This week I continued casting my doors and will start assembling them as books starting next Monday. The next challenge was determining on how to display these books. I looked at a lot of shelf options including used bookshelves, metal shelves, and handmade wooden shelves. I decided the most attractive idea for me was a floating wooden shelf since there would be no brackets or hardware to distract the viewer from the object on the shelf. I tested different sizes of pre-cut wood including 2x4s, 2x6s, and 1x6s. I felt that the 2x4s were visually too shallow but I will do a full mock up install for my midterm using all of the testing shelves.

The 2x6s felt like they would make more substantial shelves so I made two to test. I used different sized dowels for each shelf to see if one was more sturdy than the other. I am waiting to test the weight of the shelves and if they can uphold themselves on the wall. I also have a 1x6 shelf to test out as well in case the 2x6s are too heavy as well. I also tried different stains on the shelves to test out what color would go best with the books. I am leaning more towards the English Chestnut, but maybe in a more subtle red than the one in the photo.
