Due to the Coronavirus outbreak in the US I have moved parts of my project home to work on. Some of this includes resin casting, door knob creation, and archive assembly. While dontinuing to do this at home I have worked to reach out digitally to folks to collect responses during this time of social distancing. So far collecting responses has been difficult but I will continue to work with what I have.
While the studio remains open to BFA Candidates I have utilized the time to work on the construction of my table out of 100 year old doors.

The table top consists of two doors I thrifted from a seller online. The doors were from his family's house that was built in the early 1900's and these were the original doors. I removed their hardware and then cut them down with a circular saw to create these "Pie slices". I connected them by using a plate joiner and "biscuits" to prevent there being any major visible hardware or screws visible.

With the leftover scraps I am constructing a base for the table top to stand on, but with everything changing all of the time the construction of this might not be possible in the next few weeks. I have completed as much as possible as of now but we will be going into "Shelter-in- place" soon meaning no access to the studio. Sadly I can not take this home to complete and it will have to remain.
This situation has been a roller-coaster with the completion of this project but as well as the whole concept. This term of social distancing that has been common throughout this whole situation is a juxtaposition to what my project had been focusing on, or at least the method in which I was collecting most of my responses. I am learning to be flexible with this situation and the circumstances of display as well. Though it is difficult to stay motivated, the show must go on and these moments must be archived and shared with the world.