Having completed a silicone mold that works and did not rip apart I began casting multiples of this door (I'm calling it the A side door) this week and currently I have about 18 cast, so still behind my goal, but I am casting in the times I have during my day.

I also started working on repairing the positive I had used to make the prior mold in order to make the second mold. FOr this second mold it will be of the same door but with hinge insets on the opposite sides so that these books will not have upside down doors one one side.

I am currently waiting for the polycrylic to fully dry and then I will be pouring my first side of silicone for the mold of the B side door. Ideally by next week I will be casting away both sides, sanding and refining details, and then begin the final assembly of a few.