As per last week both sides of my mold for the door were completed and ready to cast. Previously I had not needed to spray a release agent to the silicone in order to get it to release from the mold so I just poured my mixed resin into the mold and let it cure. Sure enough it stuck to the mold for some reason and tore the mold to get the resin door out. I had also not mixed enough resin because previously my doors had been smaller.

So back to the Legos we went to make another mold. Because of this set back a lot of time this week was spent brainstorming other aspects of my project and doing research while my silicone cured. After peeling out the positive of the door the second mold was looking pretty good. There were a few places the mold tore at slightly so I patched them with a bit of extra silicone and let it cure again. They were small enough I could have sanded them off, but with the amount I plan to cast and create sanding each one would take more time than patching it and waiting for the silicone to cure. I will be casting the first ones this weekend with a generous amount of spray release in hopes that they will not stick to the mold. This sets me back about a week in my initial timeline but I will try to catch up during the weekend.
I made a trip to the Garcia Center for the Arts this week and met with their English as a second language classes to participate in the project and some of them seemed rather enthused about it. It was a really meaningful experience to be able to talk to those who are working so hard to learn English and really be integrated into our society. Seeing their drive and determination was really touching. One of the building managers told me that they were some of the most dedicated people ever. They would be there rain or shine no matter what, and hearing that made me want to be able to share their interpretations of opportunity even more.